What is APK3163 and why should you take it?
If you are interested in sports nutrition and want to learn how to optimize your performance and health through diet and exercise, then APK3163 is the course for you. APK3163 stands for Applied Physiology & Kinesiology 3163: Sports Nutrition. It is a 3-credit online course offered by the University of Florida that addresses the aspects of nutrition that are related to exercise performance.
In this course, you will learn about the bioenergetics systems, the components of nutrition, nutritional and body composition assessments, ergogenic aids and diet modifications for physically active individuals and athletes. You will also learn how to apply this knowledge to different sports and exercise scenarios.
The instructor of this course is Dr. Blain Harrison, who has a Ph.D. in Applied Physiology & Kinesiology from UF. He is also an athletic trainer and a certified strength and conditioning specialist. He has extensive experience in teaching and researching sports nutrition topics. You can contact him by email at blaincharrison@ufl.edu or by phone at 352-294-1704. He also has office hours on Mondays from 1-2 pm or by appointment via Zoom.
Course materials and format
All required course materials will be provided on the APK3163 Canvas page. These materials include weekly chapter modules written by the instructor and several research articles from reputable journals. You will also need access to a computer with internet connection and a web browser that supports Canvas.
The course is delivered online through Canvas, which is UF's learning management system. You will access all course content, assignments, quizzes, exams, grades, and communication tools through Canvas. You will also participate in online discussions with your classmates and instructor.
APK3163 syllabus
APK3163 course description
APK3163 instructor
APK3163 prerequisites
APK3163 required materials
APK3163 course format
APK3163 learning objectives
APK3163 grading policy
APK3163 assignments
APK3163 exams
APK3163 quizzes
APK3163 discussion boards
APK3163 extra credit
APK3163 academic honesty
APK3163 attendance policy
APK3163 Canvas page
APK3163 office hours
APK3163 contact information
APK3163 bioenergetics systems
APK3163 components of nutrition
APK3163 nutritional assessment
APK3163 body composition assessment
APK3163 ergogenic aids
APK3163 diet modifications
APK3163 physically active individuals
APK3163 athletes nutrition
APK3163 energy drinks
APK3163 protein and exercise
APK3163 carbohydrate availability
APK3163 fat as a fuel
APK3163 micronutrients and physical activity
APK3163 endurance sports nutrition
APK3163 nutrient timing
APK3163 diets and body composition
APK3163 creatine supplementation
APK3163 beta alanine supplementation
APK3163 masters athletes nutrition
APK3163 periodized nutrition
APK3163 sports nutrition research articles
APK3163 sports nutrition position stands
APK3163 sports nutrition recommendations
APK3163 sports nutrition best practices
APK3163 sports nutrition case studies
APK3163 sports nutrition online course
The course consists of 14 weekly modules that cover different topics related to sports nutrition. Each module has a set of learning objectives, readings, videos, quizzes, assignments, and discussion questions. You are expected to complete each module by the assigned due date according to UF's academic calendar.
Course evaluation and grading
Your final grade for this course will be based on your performance on quizzes (20%), assignments (30%), exams (40%), and discussions (10%). You will need to score at least 60% to pass this course.
There will be two exams (midterm and final) that will test your knowledge of the course material. Each exam will consist of multiple-choice questions that cover all topics from the modules. You will have two hours to complete each exam online through Canvas. The exams will be available for 24 hours on the assigned exam day.
There will be 14 quizzes that will assess your understanding of the readings and videos from each module. Each quiz will have 10 multiple-choice questions and you will have 15 minutes to complete it online through Canvas. The quizzes will be available for one week after the module is released.
There will be 7 assignments that will require you to apply your knowledge of sports nutrition to real-life situations. Each assignment will have a different format and instructions, such as case studies, dietary analysis, menu planning, etc. You will submit your assignments online through Canvas by the assigned due date.
There will be 14 discussions that will allow you to interact with your classmates and instructor on various topics related to sports nutrition. Each discussion will have a prompt that you need to respond to in a minimum of 250 words. You also need to reply to at least two of your classmates' posts in a minimum of 100 words each. You will post your responses online through Canvas by the assigned due date.
You are expected to follow UF's policies on attendance, late work, academic honesty, and student conduct. You are responsible for checking Canvas regularly for course updates, announcements, and feedback. You are also encouraged to communicate with your instructor and classmates through Canvas or email if you have any questions or concerns.
Course topics and schedule
The main topics covered in this course are:
Bioenergetics systems and energy balance
Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water
Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
Nutritional and body composition assessments
Ergogenic aids and supplements
Diet modifications for endurance, strength, power, and team sports
Nutrition for special populations and conditions
The learning outcomes for each topic are:
Explain the role of bioenergetics systems and energy balance in exercise performance and health.
Describe the functions, sources, requirements, metabolism, and storage of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water.
Identify the functions, sources, requirements, deficiencies, toxicities, and interactions of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Conduct and interpret nutritional and body composition assessments using various methods and tools.
Evaluate the efficacy, safety, legality, and ethical issues of ergogenic aids and supplements.
Design and implement diet modifications for different types of sports and exercise activities.
Apply nutrition principles to special populations and conditions such as children, older adults, vegetarians, pregnancy, diabetes, etc.
The tentative schedule for the course is shown in the table below:
11Bioenergetics systems and energy balanceChapter 1 & Article 1Quiz 1 & Discussion 1
22CarbohydratesChapter 2 & Article 2Quiz 2 & Discussion 2 & Assignment 1
33FatsChapter 3 & Article 3Quiz 3 & Discussion 3 & Assignment 2
44ProteinsChapter 4 & Article 4Quiz 4 & Discussion 4 & Assignment 3
55VitaminsChapter 5 & Article 5Quiz 5 & Discussion 5 & Midterm Exam
66MineralsChapter 6 & Article 6Quiz 6 & Discussion 6 & Assignment 4
77AntioxidantsChapter 7 & Article 7 88WaterChapter 8 & Article 8Quiz 8 & Discussion 8 & Assignment 6
99Nutritional and body composition assessmentsChapter 9 & Article 9Quiz 9 & Discussion 9 & Assignment 7
1010Ergogenic aids and supplementsChapter 10 & Article 10Quiz 10 & Discussion 10
1111Diet modifications for endurance sportsChapter 11 & Article 11Quiz 11 & Discussion 11
1212Diet modifications for strength and power sportsChapter 12 & Article 12Quiz 12 & Discussion 12
1313Diet modifications for team sportsChapter 13 & Article 13
1414Nutrition for special populations and conditionsChapter 14 & Article 14Quiz 14 & Discussion 14
APK3163 is a valuable course that will teach you the fundamentals of sports nutrition and how to apply them to your own or others' exercise performance and health. You will learn from an expert instructor who will guide you through the course content and activities. You will also interact with your peers who share your interest in sports nutrition. By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of the role of nutrition in exercise physiology and kinesiology.
APK3163 is also an important course that will help you achieve your academic and career goals. Whether you are a student, an athlete, a coach, a trainer, a nutritionist, or a health professional, you will benefit from this course. You will gain knowledge and skills that will enhance your academic performance, your professional development, and your personal growth.
APK3163 is a fun and engaging course that will make you enjoy learning about sports nutrition. You will discover new facts, concepts, and strategies that will spark your curiosity and interest. You will also participate in various activities that will challenge your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. You will find APK3163 to be a rewarding and enjoyable learning experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some FAQs about APK3163:
How do I register for APK3163?
You can register for APK3163 through UF's ONE.UF portal. You need to have the prerequisites of APK2100C or APK2105C or PET3322C or equivalent with minimum grades of C.
How much does APK3163 cost?
The tuition fee for APK3163 is $212.71 per credit hour for Florida residents and $955.86 per credit hour for non-Florida residents. There may be additional fees for online courses.
How do I access APK3163 online?
You can access APK3163 online through Canvas, which is UF's learning management system. You need to have a GatorLink account and password to log in to Canvas. You also need to have access to a computer with internet connection and a web browser that supports Canvas.
How do I contact the instructor of APK3163?
You can contact the instructor of APK3163 by email at blaincharrison@ufl.edu or by phone at 352-294-1704. He also has office hours on Mondays from 1-2 pm or by appointment via Zoom.
How do I get help with APK3163?
You can get help with APK3163 by using the following resources:
The instructor: You can ask questions or seek clarification from the instructor via email, phone, Zoom, or Canvas.
The classmates: You can interact with your classmates via Canvas discussions or email.
The Canvas support: You can get technical assistance with Canvas by calling 352-392-4357 or emailing learning-support@ufl.edu.
The UF libraries: You can access online databases, journals, books, and other resources through the UF libraries website.
The UF writing studio: You can get feedback and guidance on your writing assignments through the UF writing studio website.